01/29/2024 In the last 20 years or more, I have been blessed with many (hundreds of) dreams, and discarded a great many of them that were either fluff, demonic, or sinful. In keeping the holy ones, I have been very blessed and never need to wonder if God has revealed Himself to me. I have been given some of the most euphoric times in dreams too – holy feelings, holy laughter, chances to cast out demons in dreams, see angels, see Jesus, talked to saints that are not local to me now, seen visions of books, seen visions of the future and end of the world, and so many dreams that are surely only for me to work through. There have also been dreams of math formulas, working through math problems, working with machines, and speaking in Spanish (which I’m not good at yet)! I have many wonderful resources to contribute to the idea of keeping my dream journal/experience journal clean and coherent, and my husband to thank for the lack of disorder! Here are some bullets of tips that will help if a person is trying to work with keeping their dreams in a way that is, according to what I believe to be true, Scriptural and most beneficial!

🎯Scripture “holds more water”, holds way more authority that any message spoken in a dream. If you have a dream telling you something contrary to Scripture, it would not be from God, but rather the devil.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

🎯 If a dream is not remembered somewhat easily, start writing down what you do remember, even if its just one word (assuming you’ve already determined it was a godly dream), and as you write, you may have information come back to you. God honors it that you are trying to remember it. John 14:26

🎯Dreams may or may not have more than one meaning for you, and there’s no rule that says they can not be eligible for multiple time to applying them. However, if its a dream that is a fulfillment of another dream or a dream that gives a 2nd step in the process (like when Joseph, Jesus’ earthly Dad was told of successive steps to take i.e.: Joseph’s dreams – I think he had 4 total, (#3) Joseph Jesus and Mary and family were to return to Israel after Herod’s death, and then later in a dream (#4) instructed to settle in Galilee, so to not be vulnerable to Archelaus, Herod’s Son, causing problems for them. (See dreams in Matthew 1:18; Matthew 2:13; Matthew 2:22 and 2:23)

🎯If you wake up from a dream and you need to “get clean” from it, or repent of any dirtyness in the dream, such as: nude pictures, lustful feelings, impure feelings, profane speech, or just wickedness like murder thoughts, anything that would be offensive to God – DO SO! And if you do not, and otherwise get drowsy and fall back asleep, you can have a following dream that is even more wicked! So TRY to train yourself to stay clean, even when its hard to stay awake. It’s worth the 3 extra minutes of prayer.

Luke 13:3

🎯If you get dreams revealing the sins of others, pray for discernment to know what to do! PRIVATELY! Pray for the other person and keep tabs on what is happening. The Lord doesn’t give dreamsto enable us to do anything but bless others and be a blessing! He rewards those who pray and confides in those who can hold a heavenly secret responsibly!

Amos 3:7 “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

🎯Keep up with Biblical symbols (like “dove” – as in peace/Holy Spirit, fish – like “disciple”, cross – “take up your cross” or the “atonement”; like”fire” as in “hell”) coming from Scripture. Keep the symbols as coming from Scripture first, and also finding good tested material on contemporary symbols like Ira Milligan’s “Understanding the Dreams You Dream” (Version with the orange fish on the cover is my favorite). Definitely its a must as well that you should read the accounts of dreams in the Bible, and I have done another more thorough article (that I’d love for you to read) on the dreams in the Bible called “Dreams from God: ~What Are They? Where Do They Originate? How Can I Get Them?~” at this link: https://rebekahsreflections.com/2023/08/11/dreams-what-are-they-where-do-they-originate-how-can-i-get-them/. Sometimes God speaks very mysteriously, giving us symbols that do not usually occur together, and some very “out’there” ideas to get our attention. Then we can ponder them for hours, days, months, years, and sometimes figure it out way down the road. But that’s the beauty of walking with Jesus, its an adventure all the way!

Image by 51581 from Pixabay

🎯Document interpretations as you see dreams unfold for you! KEEPING ON THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW IS HARD WITH DREAMS, but its worth it! If you have a doubt about a dream at all, throw it out! Its better to be wrong than to be foolish! And please see my husband’s work on this, because I can only play paddy-cake next to his work. See these articles for more fun on dreams:





The more you refine this skill with strict standards, the more validity will come in your prayers and relationships. I wish I could explain that better. Note where progress is made, and where you learn from your mistakes. If God has shared even one supernatural thing to us, it is worth us trying to document it right. How much more should we revere Him in dreams!? He spoke to people in the Bible that way, and He still does speak in that way today! You can bet your bottom dollar on it!

Image from Guidepost

🎯AND MOST IMPORTANTLY!, Be in awe that God speaks mysteriously, esoterically, allegorically, in parables, secretly, and sometimes very clearly, and always keep praying for this area of your life!